I got behind myself today and haven't had a chance to upload new photos of the puppies - tomorrow will have to do and I do apologize to anyone waiting with baited breath for photos of babies.
Leeloo is well on her way to being dried up and able to go back with the puppies to play without them nursing ... or her allowing them to nurse. I like her to be exposed to them so she can discipline a little and play with them a bit and they get to see her before they head off to their new homes. A couple are staying a little longer but the others will be off to new worlds and likely she won't see most of them again. Not that she'll care but it's with a little sadness that I'll say goodbye.
Not too much sadness ... boy, am I sick of puppy poop. Or rather, runny puppy poop. They aren't sick ... no ... sick puppies don't try to chew through your ankle and mob you when you're trying to clean the floor. They just have the 'runs' which is not harmful except to my patience. They eat as usual, cause the normal mayhem, chase the kitties, have a poop somewhere and then carry on with life as normal. I'm going through paper towel and Lysol wipes like you wouldn't believe. If their behaviour changes I start to worry but so far each puppy is carrying on with reckless abandon running through poop and spreading the love.
I also realised today that in the last 7 weeks I've used 5 litres of bleach for laundry and the floors. I thought it was a 2 litre jug but imagine my surprise yesterday when I noticed I was low on this disinfecting marvel and looked at the bottle to see a 5 instead of a 2. And it's not like I'm using it straight, I use some in the puppy laundry and some in the floor bucket but it looks like I'll have to restock before too long.
My washing machine will be happy when they go too. Between the diarrhea and normal puppy activity the washing machine has seen more use in the last 7 weeks than it has probably seen in its lifetime. My own clothes take a back seat to getting dog laundry done. My neighbours must think I need a clean towel everyday. Trust me, I do *not* use those towels for my own minitrations.
In less than a week I'll be down to 7, then 5, then 4 then 3 ... they all get to go to their new homes in good time. Cora will take her place as part of the pack and we will see what the future brings for her and everyone else. Until then keep patiently waiting for photos and to the families getting one of these little darlings; paper towel and Lysol wipes ... put them on the list.
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