Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ice Age

Whatever the reason snow seems to illicit a stronger tracking desire than when there is no snow. It's not because there are tracks visible because the dogs rarely follow any tracks we come across. In fact they almost totally ignore very clear and recent deer tracks. I see them quite often now that there is snow almost constantly on the ground. Some of the deer appear to be quite large given their hoof prints! On a whim one day I decided to follow some deer tracks into the bushes. I didn't encounter any since we make quite enough noise to give the wildlife ample warning for a hasty retreat. The dogs headed into the trees with glee but stayed out of heavily wooded areas since there was a lot of snow on the tree branches and it kept falling on them when they brushed by. Leeloo is big on head burying; she sniffs out finds something interesting under the snow and then plunges her head into the icy depths - the usual suspect is deer poop. I shiver and gag every time I see her do it.
From this expression you'd think Raimi didn't like snow but whenever we are out he makes a point of eating a lot if it! He was just caught mid-lick to get all the icy goodness onto his tongue. The pack would often tear down the path at warp speed churning up snow in their wake. They'd round a corner and disappear only to reappear moments later, at the same speed, and blow past me. A chunk of ice in the eye is no fun let me tell you.

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

Archer has a handsome-feminine look about him. I like how soft looking he is right now.