Sunday, November 29, 2009

Soul Food

I took these photos a while ago of the dogs helping me make their dinner. Leeloo takes particular interest and occasionally pokes one of the dishes to remind me how the food goes in the dish. "Remember Mommy how the food ... the food there, it goes in the dish right? See the dish? It's empty. Fill it."Archer is also very interested in the proceedings. He looks very concerned about something; possibly how long the process is taking. Once the food is on the floor it disappears as fast as they can inhale it. And inhale they do since sometimes they have to stop and cough out a piece from their esophagus. It doesn't slow them down much. Raimi is a little slower; he usually takes about three times as long as the others do to eat so ... about two minutes. He doesn't seem to think it's a race so he eats at his own pace. Always has always will. His dish goes in between the hot water heater and the expen to protect him from the other dog's attention while he eats.
This arrangement is good for Raimi because he can eat at his leisure without having to fend off Leeloo and Archer who express considerable concern that he is eating so slowly. Of course, this does not stop them from waiting for him to finish so they can check his bowl for any missed kibble.
It hardly matters that Raimi never leaves a spec behind ... they will always double check just in case.

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