Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Cannonball Run

After yesterday's day of non-activity today's planned adventures were a welcome dose of fun. We were up early to head down to Martinique Beach which is about 2 hours south of me and about an hour east of Halifax. We arrived in good time to find several Ridgebacks already accounted for - here's a pictographic look at our day. I will add more photos of the rest of the gang tomorrow so I don't flood the blog with dozens of photos. I'll try to remember everyone's name but make no promises!

The beach is about a mile long, flat and looks out on the ocean, the actual ocean, not the Northumblerland Strait that I usually see.
Archer was a little overwhelmed at times. He hasn't had the same kid of socialization that my other dogs enjoyed because we don't have a populated dog park to meet and greet in. He held his own though and was a very good little boy.
One of the rules is if you give out treats you need to have enough for all the dogs near you. Considering there were 17 Ridgebacks on this walk it was an impressive feat to try to ensure no one got left out!
Halo was the social butterfly of the group. She spent most of her time cozying up to all the people(forget the dogs) and mooching treats and bum scratches whenever she had the chance.
Raimi spent his time keeping an eye out for me and thinking 'gurl'. Initially I was carrying The Boy's coat but at the end of the walk, when they were slowing down and getting a bit chilled, I put it on him. I realize now that when I bought it(too large) for him at 10 months old I under estimated how big he'd actually become so now I need to get a bigger coat for him and make this Archer's coat. Anyone want to hazard a guess what is going through Halo's mind as she watches this dog play in the surf?
Leeloo, as ever, was the enigma. She spent almost her entire time running. Run run run chase chase chase. I never really knew where she was at a given time since it changed so quickly. The
only time she stood still was when she was getting a treat. Tomorrow I'll post more photos of more dogs we met today. There were so many(and many more photos) I need to sort them and figure out how to group them!

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