Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Goonies

As always after a dog show weekend the dogs feel a bit batty since they haven't had a really good run for a few days in a row. Unless I do something about that they start to make me and each other crazy. We went for a nice long walk on Monday when it was sunny and there was a nice brisk breeze. It keeps the dogs cool and gives them a chance to run out all the sillies since they are unlikely to over heat or need a break. In the trees the wind is considerably less so I tried to stick to the sheltered pathways more for my own comfort than theirs however we did venture along a path I'd only been along once before and they just loved the new animal trails to follow.
It's only two weeks until Halo goes to live with Pia in Quebec and I'm trying to get as much attention in as possible. She doesn't know it but her life is about to improve considerably ... and I happen to think it's already pretty darn good now!
Archer will be a constant reminder of Halo since I keep mistaking him for her. He is about her height now and has several of the same habits so it will be like Halo never left.
Leeloo could not get enough of the high weeds that we found at the bottom of a field. She got Archer to chase her and play but they kept losing each other. Any wonder?
Raimi spent most of his time with his nose to the ground. It makes me nervous when he gets that intense 'on the tail' look in his eye because the nose turns on and the ears turn off.
Something about this photo makes me think Leeloo doesn't really exist on the same etheric plane as the rest of us. The term 'ether' was adopted from ancient Greek philosophy and science into Victorian physics and has also been used to correspond to akasha, the 'fifth element' of Hindu metaphysics.
Coincidence? I think not.

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