Your right to own any breed of dog you choose has been in jeopardy these past few years, especially if you live in Ontario, Canada. The Dog Legislation Council of Canada needs help to fight the unconstitutional and draconian laws that currently dictate what kind of dog you can own in that province. They are short $67,000 to take this case to the Supreme Court and are asking dog owners across the country to donate $1 per dog they own. Scroll down, click on the Paypal button and donate! They need to raise this money by the end of January.
I am donating a dollar for every dog I’ve owned or bred and I challenge other breeders and owners to do the same. This affects everyone, once laws like these are enacted they are very hard to remove and they make it easier for similar laws to be enacted in other provinces and counties.
Forgo your latte’s for one week and donate $25. Don’t eat out one evening and donate $50. Ask your dogs if they want to donate their treat fund for the next month and donate $20.
This is important. We should have the right to choose the domestic animals we want in our lives. Ontario says we can’t own pit bulls or ‘bully’ types – this based on appearance rather than the dog’s behaviour. Dogs who had never threatened anyone have been destroyed. People have been subjected to warrantless searches and dog have been seized and destroyed without proof. No one is immune and you would be surprised the breeds of dogs mistaken for 'bully-types'. Inadequately trained individuals are given authority to arbitrarily determine that your Ridgeback is a Pitbull 'type' and YOU must pay a lawyer to prove it's not.
Do you know which one is a pit bull?
Who can’t afford to donate $1? A loonie. Half a toonie. Four quarters. Ten dimes … you get the idea.
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