Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Feet

A sad little Boy on his sad little hill. I was petting Esme and he had the most forlorn expression. Wrinkles in full force and all that. I went over to give him some love and he was all wiggly and happy. Then he started to nibble the dog bed. He does that when he is overflowing with joy, something he picked up from Halo I think as Archer does it too. I call it corn-cobbing but people have different names for it. While we were in the misdst of our cuddles, being interrupted by Archer and chewed on by Esme, Leeloo was busy being Leeloo. She was squashed in my chair, ear-flipped and happily nibbling on her leg for some reason - she looked very thoughtful while doing it - I wonder what she was thinking about. Food probably tops the list.
If anyone ever asks me to define why I think Leeloo is so weird I'll just show them this.

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