Thursday, February 25, 2010


It has been a bare 18 hours since Esme came home but things are settling a bit. I am struck by the difference between Puli puppies and Ridgeback puppies. It's hard to describe, a Puli is literally a shadow stitched to your side and a Ridgeback is a Peter Pan shadow, it knows where it should be but is far more interested in flying free - if that makes any sense. It's the difference between a shepherd's companion and an independent hunter.

This morning Archer made great strides toward making friends with her. He will follow quite close to sniff but if she turns around he will back off a couple feet ... just in case she breathes fire or something.
He was wagging and did a little playbow which at the last moment he turned into a stretch. I guess he doesn't want her to think he's coming on too strong.
Every time he follows and wags at her I tell him what a good boy he is. He looks at me as if to say "See how Very Brave I am Mommy?"
She also play-bowed a couple times, tentatively because I think she knows that 'playing' with a dog Archer's size could end up being a bad idea.

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