Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big Brotherhood

Raimi has taken quite a liking to his siblings. He is pretty careful with them except for the poking - he likes to shove things with his nose and if he does that he sends them tumbling.

It's pretty alarming how significant the size difference it. They have to grow so fast in such a short amount of time. This is Red Boy investigating The Boy's foot - it would be scary to be that small and encounter a giant.
Blue Boy looks concerned about the attention he's getting but Raimi just wants to say hi. Unfortunately saying hi sometimes results in being knocked over. Soon tho Raimi will not know what to do with himself when he's being chased by a dozen little monsters.

I think Raimi is pretty sure this is a dog ... maybe. He still doesn't understand why I spend so much time with them tho. According to him they still aren't as interesting as he is.


Steven and Kimberly said...

That's just too much! : )

Sabrina said...

Those are some sweet pictures of big brother and the little ones!