Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bed of Roses

This is Mallaig and Ceilidh on an antique oak chair I purchased earlier this week. It's the match to the one in my bedroom. I had initially only bought the one for my room but for some reason the one I'd left behind kept poking my brain so I went back to get it. I think it's very happy here - the tag on it said "$40 Oak Chair - Old". So it's old I guess. The cats seem like it; well, they look smug about it at any rate.
I just got that tartan throw - it's the Nova Scotia tartan - and those are my Most Awesome Wellies in the World underneath the chair. Maillaig quickly realized I was taking photos and decided her face needed a wash. It was too late, I'd already gotten the photo I wanted. Ceilidh just continued to look smug as a bug. Now the throw is collecting cat hair. Ah well ... what doesn't have hair on it in my house?
Where's Weasley? Why, on top of the washer/dryer of course. He found this spot almost as soon as I allowed them to wander the house. I had to put a bed up there so he'd be comfortable. He doesn't look smug so much as annoyed I'm disturbing him. There is no pleasing cats.

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

Ah, yes, you are correct in that there is no pleasing cats. But you are definitely more obliging than I would be with mine - putting a bed up on the washer/dryer for Weasley.