Halo has calculating eyes. They are bright with active intelligence. You can certainly tell she is thinking of a way in, on, around, behind, next to, under, or through whatever rule has been set out. I think what bothers me most is the Big Show she puts on when she gets caught - like she just wants to DIE - even though I know she'll try it again any chance she gets. Apparently I am almost exclusively privy to this behaviour since everyone who has ever met Halo thinks she's an angel - THAT is how smart this dog is.
If eyes were a television The Boy's channel would be LVTV - all love all the time. The only moments he changes channel is when he sees one of the neighbours cats but that is usually just a short commercial break. Stay tuned ...
Leeloo has Halo smarts but is less subtle. She sees, she wants, she (tries to) takes. Often she gets caught because there is no real artifice about Leeloo - she's a ball's out kind of gal. Today we were picking apples from a tree I'd discovered and there was Leeloo, bold as brass, eating as many apples as she could stuff in her face while I picked from above. She has such a soft, sweet expression and absolutely no remorse that it's hard to get mad at her and she gets away with much more than she should.
Archer is a little hard to read because he is currently being filtered by puppyhood. He has the sad browns down cold but most puppies have that ability. He has developed a healthy respect for the repurcusions of getting into trouble and mastered the 'eye & ear' combination to gain maximum sympathy. Sadly he gets confused about when he should use the trump card and offers it when its not necessary and doesn't offer it when he's in real trouble!
And then there is one of my very favorite sayings ... "What has been seen cannot be unseen."
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