I wonder if cat food is good for puppies. It is odd to speculate such things but speculate we will. Cat food is pretty darn rich - it makes a body very thirsty if yours is
not the body it is intended to sustain. Eating about 3 cups of it at once is also not how it is intended to be ingested. It also causes quite potent gas if eaten by a non-feline being. I know all these things because a couple years ago Halo ate about 5 cups of cat food and an event like that, and the accompanying gas, sticks in your mind. Apparently today while I was at the dog park with Raimi and Leeloo it occurred to Halo that the cat food incident of April 2007 should be relived. My mistake, or mistakes ... I didn't completely secure the cat food lid, Halo was mad about me leaving her behind and the most important oversight: I trusted her. Which sadly for her will never happen again. I'm glad she has a tummy ache ... not glad about the gas from which we all suffer this evening.
Does it seem that Leeloo will be a fantastic mommy someday? :o) I think she's enjoying playing mommy. So cute!
Okay, you gotta stop with the puppy pictures. Or I gotta stop looking at your blog. I don't want a puppy. I do want a puppy. I don't want a puppy. Oh, but I DO want a puppy. No I don't.
Maybe I need a daisy to help me sort things out once and for all?
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