Saturday, November 22, 2008

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

The face that looks innocent but this is simply a moment of calm - like the eye of the storm. Shortly after this I got on the phone and was competing with the wookie, yowling, whining play noises. They very accurately time it to interrupt me needing to hear.

They also alter the pitch depending on how important it is that I can hear. This is the sort of play that requires the wookie noises. Raimi is going for the jugular while Leeloo is trying to rip off his ear.

Doesn't he look innocent? She still has his ear but I'd wager the loss of her leg would slow her down more than his loss of ear. It's not like he listens well to begin with. At least with her leg in his mouth he is less likely to make those gawdawful noises.

A smug cat. I can safely assume that if I were to ask her about the puppy she'd say "What puppy?"

1 comment:

Claire said...

i'm glad to hear your puppy is unusually vocal, too! mckinley is constantly making noise - whether it's barking at roux, grunting in her sleep, whining at the door... i've never had such a noisy dog!