Friday, November 21, 2008

Lord of War

Raimi and Leeloo now play very well together - despite the ridiculous noise they make. Raimi lies on the couch and entices Leeloo with his manly love nibbles.

Then there's the typical stand off with them eyeballing each other with lips slightly raised and wrinkles in full force. A fake out lunge usually occurs after this sort of display and then the real fun begins.

It's not like she didn't know he was there. I like the crazy ear flap and the open mouth of surprise but the white of her eye is a nice touch. Adds to the drama of the moment.

She got her own back. Thwap! Right in the kisser. Not that Raimi noticed. What is it with Ridgebacks and foot waving?

More eye white and some baby teeth action. Raimi, you may notice, is holding onto her leg, not that it makes any difference considering he outweighs her by about 70 pounds.

Here's the Big Tough Boy demonstrating his big tough show. Her head could easily fit in that great maw ...

And the rawhide bone they are constantly vying for. I don't know what the obsession is with this bone but I'll be glad to see the end of it.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Keelan adores the white paws and would like to offer you Rory in exchange for Leeloo. There. I'm supposed to pass that on and I did. Yeesh, just because Rory is big, clumsy, subborn and NEVER tired (especially when it's too cold to walk for long).
I have to say that the tolerant Raimi look is quite familiar...he must have been watching Seth.