Thursday, February 21, 2008

Waiting ...

One would think I’m suffering from empty nest syndrome. But no. I am relishing the idea that soon I will have one puppy left that I can house train, soak up all the cuteness before he’s gone and then … Raimi can have me back full time. He’s been very very patient to far – so much so that he was sharing a bone in the living room. What a great temperament on my boy. The puppies should be very similar …

Lulu and Mya flew away yesterday in a crate together and are now safely ensconced in warm houses keeping out the -30 weather they’ve been hit with again. Mya pooped and peed before we left and whined a little on the way to the airport but generally it was a much quieter trip than with Bella. They were sharing a bone with Raimi the night before they left ...

Lulu was too busy playing to remember to go potty before leaving. I told her she really should but kids never listen. Apparently she got home and had a HUGE pee but didn’t mess in the crate. What a little clever clogs. I was sure she wouldn’t hold it that long – it bodes well for house and crate training that she absolutely did not want to mess in her crate. Or maybe she didn’t want to lose face in front of Mya.

Shane is not sure the disappearing act of all his siblings is something he’s super okay with. Zero does not seem to have noticed – he’s too busy chasing Ceilidh, Raimi, Halo, chewing on things he shouldn’t and wearing himself out. Shane is a little more tentative about things that he does, of course, once he’s doing naughty things he does them well but it takes him a moment or two to warm up to new activities.

I am so impressed that everyone so far has settled in so easily to their new lives. Someone asked me if it was hard to see them go and I guess it is until I hear from their homes. I’m getting such great feedback about how smart, cute, pretty, popular, happy and well-adjusted they all are that I instantly stop worrying.

Congratulations to everyone on your new puppy. I trust you to keep them well and safe for many years to come.

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

Yes, your puppies are doing excellent, congratulations! Are you planning to breed Halo again? If so, what are your future breeding plans?