Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Red Heat

Good thing I took lots of pictures the other day because we haven't actually been anywhere for the past couple days and likely won't for another few. Poor Leeloo is suffering the worst with the heat hitting her intestinal tract with a vengeance. Gas, unreal diarrhea, and general malaise has befallen my weird little light wheaton. It doesn't help that her body thinks she's preparing for babies which means big boobies and clinginess. Clingy is bad in this kind of heat.

It's the kind of heat that hits you square in the face with unrelenting force when you open an oven to check on your carefully crafted banana muffins(sans baking soda which means they come out like banana flavoured little pucks - the dogs didn't complain). It's eyelash curling heat. It's break into a sweat while I type heat. It's dogs splayed out like so many fallen dominoes on my couch and floor heat. It's the cats seeking cool spots in corners, grass turning brown, flower wilting, life sucking heat.

I'm not saying I'd trade it for the shit summer Calgary is having this year - and has had every year since I've been alive - I'm just saying it's damned hot out and takes some getting used to.

So we stay in, try not to stress the dogs too much with exposure to said high temperatures and watch movies we've downloaded off the internet.

Leeloo - for all her cheer - is going to disown me after I feed her almost nothing for 48 hours and then start her on oatmeal and pumpkin to try and get her digestive system back online. She's all gassy and bloated and although she retains her canine optimism I can tell she's getting as sick of digestive upset as I am. Mind you, she is also preparing for pretend babies(as this breeding line often does) and that can't be much fun either.

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