Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bird on a Wire

I know it's hard to see but this is Leeloo stalking a Blue Heron. She is on the far left side of the frame and the Heron is on the far right. It was an interesting stand off. She wouldn't venture any further into the water than this but you can see it's an incredibly shallow drop off - she's in maybe 6 or 8 inches of water. She still wouldn't go any further - perhaps the bird was too intimidating. The tide was out(we did go today while the tide was all the way in and I must say it makes for far less muck) and Raimi had followed her but seemed undecided "Follow the love of my life into the unknown or return to the love of my life because she feeds me ..." Tough call. In the end he chose Leeloo. I'll get over it. He and Leeloo communed in 8 inch sludge for a few moments while Archer and Halo watched from the relative 'safety' of about 3 inches of sludge. You can kind of see the Heron in the top right corner of the picture in the water - it came closer and closer the longer Leeloo stood in the water. I now believe in the power of the Nova Scotia Ducking Tolling Retriever (or the Nova Scotia Heron Tolling Leeloo ...)
When they dogs come out of the water they do it with style. Yay ... sludge.
Even better is when a relatively clean dog throws himself into the sludge to ensure maximum sludge coverage.

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