Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Village

Everyone always says a vacation is never long enough ... I was in beautiful Nova Scotia. It was Thanksgiving and the colors were turning while I was there - everyday got more vibrant. What I wouldn't give to see that every year instead of a flah of yellow and then naked trees two second later.

I was in the 'elbow' of the province in Pictou County where the first Scots arrived to make new lives for themselves in the 1780's. They came over on a ship called The Hector which is replicated in the town of Pictou, known as 'The Birthplace of New Scotland'. (Nova Scotia means New Scotland.)

I can't even beging to express how many trees there are in Nova Scotia and by the end of my trip the colors were quite literally like a watercolor painting. The maples of course were showing off the most since they have the most to brag about what with being on the flag and all. I suspect the inspiration for the flag was this kind of maple.

There are beaches in some places, defying the majority of the coast where trees teeter right up over the water. I was at Melmerby Beach where there is a couple miles of soft sand and you can see PEI in the distance across the Northumberland Stait.

I stayed with just the nicest people in the world, they have a couple Pulis and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. They got one of their Pulis from my parents - Trevor - who was infatuated with me and really, he was easy to like as a result. We even went to a dog show in Truro - a much smaller affair than the shows here but the good dogs were good and the not so good dogs were not so good ... just like any other show.

Have to get back on track with life here and prepare for the arrival one one Leeloo puppy. Raimi tortured Halo the whole time I was was gone ... so it will be his turn when the puppy arrives ...

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