Thursday, August 14, 2008


A couple weeks ago when I went to pick up Rory from Kathryn's house he was so excited to see me he jumped up (naughty boy) and one of his nails caught an earring. It disappeared somewhere in Kathryn's lawn or under her deck.

These earrings are hard to remove because they are closed and the catch snaps into place so they don't fall out. You have to really be trying to remove them ... or have a dog remove them for you. They are claddaghs and look like these ones but in gold. I have worn the same pair for at least 6 years without removing them except for special occasions where the earrings needed to match the outfit. I'm basically lazy so the idea of putting in a new pair everyday is so beyond something I would ever do.

So I sent Kathryn an email to keep an eye out for one gold earring in her lawn somewhere. I have been earringless for the last two weeks with intentions of buying another pair on Ebay eventually but not feeling a great rush to do so. I put the lone earring in my jewellery box for a lack of anything better to do with it and thought wistfully about its solitary plight.

Today I got home, let the Boy out to pee, changed into my evening comfy clothes, and prepared to head out with Raimi. I decided to take Raimi for a walk around the neighbourhood for a change of scenery and because it's a bit hot for running at the park. I need my sunglasses tho so I went to the truck to get my shades and as I turned to shut the door I glanced down at the road.

The sun caught a flash of gold and a circular shape. My earring. I picked it up and sure enough it's a gold hooped claddagh, slightly bent but salvageable. I left Raimi in the yard a moment and went to find the other one just in case I didn't put it in the jewellery box and this was the same earring. There it was right where I'd put it to patiently wait for its partner.

I have my earrings together once again and where they belong. The odds of me glancing down at the road at that moment are incalculable, as is me parking in just the right spot and a whole myriad of circumstances required for me to find an earring the size of a nickel when I thought it was about 30 kilometres away. I don't know what sort of two week journey the earring took to get back to me but clearly it knows where it's needed.

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