Today I’m a little tired. Someone was up part of the night fussing. There I was sound asleep and suddenly 110 pounds of dog decides to curl up between my legs. As he lay down an elbow, or something equally sharp and pointy, hit a nerve and I was awake in an instant. Then began the fussing.
I’m not sure what brought it on but I suspect something was happening outside that put him on edge. It resulted in him lying down, getting up to change position, lying down again and getting up again a few moments later … very restless. Where was he lying?
On me. And not just on me but on my torso. You know, the part that you need to breathe. So it was either on the floor wandering around aimlessly or lying on the bed on top of me. He seemed to be very concerned about something but didn’t know what it was. I’m not entirely sure that by lying on my shoulders and arm Raimi wanted me to save him from the evils in the night or him to guard me. I have settled on his protective instinct because it makes him sound less a sissy.
So this continued for about an hour and in that hour I heard the dulcet tones of the THUD THUD THUD THUD of the police helicopter over my neighbourhood. Whatever the commotion I guess I can now sleep easy knowing that he will alert to anything unusual around the house. Not like Halo who years ago blissfully slept like the dead while someone broke into my car …
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