Thursday, May 1, 2008

Red Planet

Now we are officially a house of redheads. I’d always thought the black Petal presence would be permanent and didn’t imagine a life without her quite this soon.

The Official House of Redheads makes me kind of a loser who needs everything to match. A friend’s husband commented ‘That(whatever it was) really matches the dogs’. It was no accident. Nothing I own is an accident. If someone gives me a gift meant for display that doesn’t match my décor … well … it just doesn’t happen. Mostly because I produce specific lists for gift giving occasions.

The cats match the dogs match me match everything else from the cranberry couches to the Scottish bedroom to the green kitchen.

Halo is the only one with black masking which makes her special but not the ‘short bus’ kind of special. She the head of the class kind of special but with a twist of calculating. Getting the post pregs weight off is proving to be a real headache. She gets about 8 kibbles of food in the morning and 8 at night – it doesn’t even equal one cup a day. She is not the fattest of the redheads tho(my ass notwithstanding).

Raimi is unique as he has what I like to call his starburst. It’s a little squiggle of hair on his side that appeared about 3 weeks ago (just after Petal died hmmmmm?) that looks like it came from a starburst sapphire. It’s pretty cool. Raimi is already reasonably cool but he does need something to distract people from the low brain wattage. He got a piece of foam stuck to his nose and I think it made him look way smarter. Don't you think?

Ceilidh is a vibrant red, medium haired, stripey redhead. My little chunky monkey. She has always carried that little bit of padding and it didn’t matter how much exercise she got she always kept that reserve. I actually don’t think she’s all that bad - I’d say she weighs about 12 pounds. Stop laughing.

Mallaig is a dusty red stripey cat. She puts the rest of us to shame. Thin, beautiful, friendly, chatty, confident, active, athletic – all the things none of the rest of us are(well, Raimi is athletic but not coordinated.) I can see in her shorter coat the pattern that Ceilidh has in her longer coat. She has the cutest little pink nose and will talk talk talk your ear off and bat your head from her perch on the fridge.

One day I hope to be able to buy a chestnut horse with 4 white socks and a wide white blaze thus completing my redheaded army.

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

Yes, we agree that the white foam totally makes him look more intelligent. That's too precious. He's like "I have no idea what you're laughing at or why you feel the sudden urge to take a picture of me...but I'm interested."