Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Little Trip to Heaven

I remember field trips at school always being a welcome treat from the monotony of same ol' same ol' everyday. It didn't actually matter if ther place you were visiting was the most boring place on earth - just getting out of classes was enough.

I imagine it's the same for dogs - the park is the park is the park. It doesn't change much - sure it looks different season to season but in essentials it remains pretty reliable. Same paths, same smells, same dogs, same poop bins, same everything. Every so often we like to change it up a bit so yesterday we went to Crossfield where my parents live on 15 acres. Joining us was Raimi's sister Kenya who was staying for the weekend. I'll let pictures tell the tale(you can right click the photo and select properties to see who is in the photo).

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

Your title of your blog says it all...what a trip to "heaven" for Raimi. I love watching Ridgebacks play. Their free spirits and smiles remind me of how I need to live life more.