This is my blog for the dogs and the cat who is almost human. Is it as simple as it sounds. Roll call:
Human - that would be me with the thumbs. Red hair freckles blah blah blah ...
Petal the Precious Puli aka The Gimp orPrecious. Age 12 and still going strong - little incontinence but managed with Rx. Black, cute, loves me and only me. Lame because of a pin in her leg from birth defect. Sleeps lots. Hates the walking thing at the park, prefers me to read and sit while Ridgebacks do laps in the long grass.
Halo the Princess Ridgeback aka Momma. 3 1/2 years. Champion with all the fancy titles. Sweet but a bitch sometimes ... well, all the time but you know ... one word two meanings. Raimi's Momma.
Raimi the Who me? Ridgeback aka The Boy - 7 months on Sunday. Swweeeeeet boy. I lurvs my Mommy(I'm Mommy) Momma is Momma. Momma has become of extra special insterest since coming into heat. No McBeth here Boy.
Ceilidh the Cat aka Bad Kitty! Age 2. Torments dogs by running up and down the hallway. Unhappy with restricted access to outdoors but she kept shitting in a neighbours yard. They complained. The rest is history. Used to bring me live animals to catch and release. Hoo-ray.
On with the show. A friend diagnosed me with the flu. Since that time - almost 24 hours ago - I have decided to feel sorry for myself. Left work early. Thought about taking the dogs to the park but couldn't face it. Moved furniture instead. They thought that was a hoot. Ever tried moving furniture with a cat and 4 dogs underfoot? (I have an extra dog - a littermate to Riami is visiting- Kenya) Oh yes, exciting. Managed half the job. Okay so I'm not THAT sick - but at work I felt pretty damn near death. My tummy hurts still tho. Maybe I'm hungry?
I managed not to crush any dog under any mattress and now they are sleeping. They are still baffled about the whole things-have-moved scenario. The worst is that the water dish has moved and it's like the world has ended for Petal.
I will write more tomorrow when I can see straight. I'm going fuzzy and I think my eyes are going to sink into my brain. Here is a picture of what 3 Ridgebacks at peace looks like: