Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Guardian

I was chatting with Taryn the other day about the way The Boy looks at me when we were discussing the puppy she's chosen ... or that chose her. She said Sequana already looks at her the way The Boy looks at me and so it bodes well for their future together. If you've ever had a dog like The Boy you'll know what I mean. If you haven't I will try to elaborate. I am lucky enough to look into the eyes of a dog that would breathe for me if he could. If he was able to reach into my chest and gently pump my heart to make it beat, he would. If he knew I was in mortal danger he would not hesitate to protect me, with limb or with life; whatever it took. If he knew how to stop pain he'd be my Aspirin. If he isn't near me he wants to know where I am. If he is near me he wants to be touching me. If he wakes from a nap the first thing he wants to see is me. When he sleeps the last thing he wants to see before his eyes close is me. He never questions his love, he never wonders if I love him too, he never hesitates to wag at my voice. I reach down to touch his head, his back, his side and there is always a moment of knowing, of feeling, that he is a rock that will not falter until his dying day. His happy cupping ears, the low wag and dancy feet, the stretch of joy that I know so well, the gentle nibbles when he is overcome with glee. He does all this for me, because of me, and only me. We should all be looked at like this, no matter the age or the breed of dog. I think it makes us appreciate love more, to be looked at like this, because this kind of love is variously impossible to find in people. With Boy there is no, and will never ever be, any question of loyalty, truth or monogamy. He will never leave me on purpose, he will never hurt my feelings by accident or design. He can't see the future and doesn't know anything more than what he loves right now and what he loves, and will always love, is me. He is not my child, my husband or my boyfriend and never gets treated as anything more than what he is: a beloved canine companion. However, beyond those words lies something deeper, something stronger and something, in particular ways, better, than any other relationship I've ever had. One day may you be blessed with eyes like this that look at you with so much love it cannot be adequately described.


Unknown said...

I think the best way I could describe it is soul mate. Boy is a part of your heart and soul in a way no one will understand until they too are lucky enough to have that connection.

RiderWriter said...

I have the dog whose eyes look at me like that lying next to me at the moment. Everything you described about Rami is here for me, too, in a lovely, feathery Springer Spaniel package. She is Mommy's Girl and we like it that way! Thank you for illustrating such a special relationship so beautifully...

RiderWriter said...

I have the dog whose eyes look at me like that lying next to me at the moment. Everything you described about Rami is here for me, too, in a lovely, feathery Springer Spaniel package. She is Mommy's Girl and we like it that way! Thank you for illustrating such a special relationship so beautifully...